Wisdom teeth and Other Surgical Extractions

"Want to know how much your extraction will cost? Most Complex extractions can be performed in our clinic without having to visit a hospital. Send us a photo of your OPG using the instructions here and we can provide you an estimate to remove them"

Impacted wisdom teeth can be a pain in the neck, sorry, jaw. While not everyone will experience wisdom teeth pain, one in four people will experience wisdom teeth pain as a result of impacted wisdom teeth or wisdom teeth exerting pressure on the adjacent teeth.

In such situations, wisdom teeth may have to be extracted to help relieve the pain. Because of the risks involved in any type of surgery, it is important to note that before any dental surgical procedure, you have to consult with a medical professional to find out if you are eligible.

Wisdom teeth and surgical extractions

Dental Clinic

Wisdom teeth extraction

Wisdom teeth are third molars, the last set of teeth to erupt in the human oral cavity and usually erupt between late teens and early twenties. While not everyone will experience problems with their wisdom teeth, wisdom teeth extraction is rapidly becoming quite common. A dentist may recommend that your wisdom teeth be removed if:

1. They are impacted. Wisdom teeth are said to be impacted if they erupt either diagonally or horizontally and cause pressure on the adjacent teeth resulting in severe pain and discomfort.

2. They cause crowding and misalignment. Since wisdom teeth erupt way later after other teeth have all erupted, they may cause shifts in the alignment of your teeth and cause crowding. For this reason, our dentist may recommend having them extracted to correct the alignment.

3. They are too far back, and cleaning becomes a problem. Some wisdom teeth erupt too far back at the back, or your mouth and cleaning can become a problem and result in tooth decay or other infections. Therefore, your dentist may recommend that the teeth be extracted.

Wisdom teeth removal at Springvale dental clinic

At Springvale dental clinic, the cost of extraction starts from just $199*, a comparably fair cost in Melbourne. Springvale dental clinic has a team of expert dentists who will perform the extraction surgery in the most professional way while ensuring your comfort throughout the procedure. We understand how a tooth extraction procedure can be worrisome. With different pain relief and anaesthetic options coupled with state-of-the-art surgical equipment, you can be assured of the most comfortable extraction experience. You will be taken through the whole process involved before the procedure is started. Our experienced and friendly dental team will make sure that you are as comfortable as possible before, during, and after the procedure. Just call us to book a consultation and subsequent appointment.

Dental Checkup

Man having dental checkup

Wisdom teeth extraction costs in Melbourne

Typically, wisdom teeth extraction costs in Melbourne range from $200* to $450* per tooth. The costs vary depending on individual cases. Normal simple extractions will cost less, while more complex extractions that require the expertise of an oral surgeon will need cot more. Other factors that determine the cost of the extraction procedure include the number of tooth division required before pulling out the tooth and if the procedure involves removal of bone structure. All these are determined by the dentist after a thorough examination of your teeth.

Teeth extraction costs at Springvale dental

Besides wisdom teeth extraction, our clinic also offers other normal extraction procedures as follows:

  • Simple surgical teeth extraction cost
    An initial consultation fee of $60*. The cost of extraction starts from $150*-$200* depending on the complexity involved. Post-treatment review appointment valued at $50*.

  • Simple wisdom/impacted teeth extraction cost
    An initial consultation fee of $60*. The cost of the extraction procedure staring from $199*-$300* depending on the complexity involved. Free post-appointment review valued at $50*.

  • Complex wisdom/impacted teeth extraction cost
    An initial consultation fee of $60*. The cost of extraction starting from $300*-$450* depending on the complexity involved. A free post-treatment review cost of $50*.

Visit Springvale dental clinic today to have your wisdom teeth extracted by professionals. Our clinic is always open for consultations as well as emergency appointments for wisdom teeth removal. Our friendly staff will take you through every step involved while you seek expert dental care. Besides, you do not have to worry about anything going wrong because we use special advanced dental tools and equipment to make your experience as comfortable as possible during your appointment with us. Take advantage of our affordable rates and get more. Value for your money with Springvale dental clinic.

If you are Anxious about getting the dental treatment done, we can also provide Laughing Gas or Happy Gas sedation to help reduce your pain and anxiety during the treatment.

* Terms and Conditions apply.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How wisdom teeth are removed?

During the extraction of wisdom teeth, your dentist exposes the bone and tooth by making an incision. He or she then accesses the tooth roots by removing the bone. With full access of the teeth, they can choose to divide it into several sections for easier removal.

How long are you swollen after wisdom teeth removal?

It takes an average of 2 weeks to recover fully after the wisdom teeth extraction procedure. During that time your cheeks and mouth could be swollen. However, the severity of the swelling may be worse during the first couple of days before improving gradually.

Common side effects of wisdom tooth extraction ?

Some common side effects of wisdom teeth extraction include limited mouth opening, slow-healing gums, excessive bleeding for about a day, dry sockets, lip numbness and swelling and pain in your teeth and gums.

Why should wisdom teeth be removed?

Wisdom teeth should be removed if they are impacted, cause misalignment and crowding and are hard to clean because they are too far back.

How much does it cost to remove wisdom teeth?

Cost varies depending on various factors such as complexity, the number of divisions required, etc. But on average, the cost ranges from $200 to $450.

Is it necessary to remove all 4 wisdom teeth?

Yes. It is advisable to remove all your 4 wisdom teeth because even though they are not impacted, they can cause the surrounding teeth to become misaligned making them hard to clean and causing some discomfort.

Does removing wisdom teeth change face shape?

Yes. Wisdom teeth extraction can change the shape of your face albeit slightly. In most cases though, there are no perceivable changes because the removal does not affect your jaw shape or jaw bone.
