

Tooth tips for tots

Just like adult teeth, baby teeth are prone to cavities, so having good oral hygiene from the outset is crucial. Besides, teaching your child oral hygiene early enough will help them get used to the routine. Here are a few tips on how to care for your baby’s teeth. Brush every day with fluoride Fluoride […]

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Top 5 ways to prevent bad breath

Bad breath is a problem that affects millions of people. Bad breath can be frustrating and embarrassing to the extent of avoiding social functions. The foul odor does not only hurt your confidence but can also damage your dental health. Here are five steps that you can take to enhance your breath and keep your […]

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Causes of Bad breath

  Bad breath, also referred to as halitosis, can cause significant psychological distress and anxiety. It is the main reason why drug stores are flooding with mouthwashes, mints, and gums designed to fight halitosis. However, most of these products only act as a temporary solution because the main issue is not addressed. Some of the […]

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Replace all your teeth – Know your options

Living without teeth can really affect your life. It becomes harder to speak, not to mention that chewing and eating become a challenge. Worse yet, you don’t feel like laughing or smiling. Lucky for you, dentistry has developed various ways to deal with this problem, including implants and fixed replacement teeth. Let’s take a closer […]

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Sedation Dentistry

  Does the idea of sitting in the dentist’s chair make your whole body tense with fear? You are not alone. Most people are so nervous about going to the dentist that they opt for no treatment. In fact, 1 person out of every 10 people avoid getting any dental treatment at all due to […]

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Are You a Candidate for Dental Implant?

  Dental implants top the list of the most popular and effective teeth replacement options. Millions of people get tooth implants every year. Unlike traditional methods like dentures and bridges, getting the small titanium rod implanted into your jawbone gives longer-lasting, higher-functioning, and better-looking results. Even more important, artificial teeth will restore your smile and […]

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How to Care for Your Teeth?

  Have you seen a set of dentures resting in a glass of water on a nightstand? These dentures don’t even have to belong to you. If you practice good oral habits every day, they can last a lifetime. Besides, taking good care of your teeth can help to prevent both dental and medical problems […]

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Preventing Cavities in Kids

Your baby’s teeth are precious. As such, making sure to tend and care for them should be among the top activities in your parenting list of priorities. A cavity during childhood can result in early fallouts. Should this happen after the onset of the second set of teeth, the resulting gaps may not be replaceable […]

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How to Floss Your Teeth?

  Flossing is an effective way to remove food particles and bacterial plaque that are stuck in the gaps between your teeth and under the gumline where your toothbrush can’t reach. Bacterial plaque is a serious threat to your gums and teeth. Therefore, it is important to floss at least twice each day. However, very […]

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Athletic Mouth Guards

“Don’t forget your mouthguard!” If you’re an athlete in a high contact sport, you’ve probably heard this phrase multiple times from your coach, peers, or parents. Well, your mouth consists of both soft and hard tissues that control how organs such as the teeth, tongue, and lips function. A hit or blow to these tissues […]

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How to Clean Clear Aligners?

Like brushing your teeth every day, learning how to clean your clear aligners like Invisalign is essential for your oral health. Food particles can get stuck in your clear aligners, causing bacterial growth and bad breath. Regular cleanings will ensure your mouth smells fresh and leave the teeth looking bright. If your dentist has just […]

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How to Brush Your Teeth?

Brushing your teeth regularly is your first line of defense against harmful bacteria that cause bad breath, tooth decay, gum diseases, and tooth fall out. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day will also help you evade conditions such as bowel syndrome, oral cancer, stomach ulcers, pregnancy issues, and diabetes. Unfortunately, as simple as […]

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Dental sealants

  The best ways to help prevent cavities is by flossing and brushing. However, cleaning every cranny and groove in your teeth can be difficult especially the back teeth used for grinding and chewing. Molars are uneven and rough which makes them hard to clean with a toothbrush. The bristles often glide right over, leaving […]

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Pregnancy and Gum disease

  Taking care of your teeth during pregnancy is very crucial. This is because the rise in hormonal levels when pregnant causes the gums to bleed and swell, which can be harmful to the health of your developing foetus. Research shows that nearly 50% of pregnant women experience red, puffy and tender gums that easily […]

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Make Brushing Fun for Kids

We may never know why children avoid brushing teeth, but your child must know teeth brushing is not optional. Let your child know that it’s the right thing to do every morning and every night before going to bed. While at it, make sure you explain how good dental habits can benefit their lifestyle and […]

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3 Facts about Baby Teeth

Baby teeth are important. They help them talk, chew and smile. In this article, we review 3 important things to know about your child’s first set of teeth; Usually, baby teeth appear between 6 and 9 months Babies begin to grow their first teeth between 6 and 9 months. But sometimes they come as soon […]

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How to choose a cosmetic dentist

If you are looking for a cosmetic dentist to make your smile better, whom you choose is very important. A professional cosmetic dentist can help your teeth become more beautiful. However, cosmetic dentistry is relatively a new specialty, so any dentist can claim to be a cosmetic dentist. Most dentists are aware of the various […]

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Teething is when your baby’s first set of teeth breaks through the gum line. Normal teething should come between 4 and 7 months, although some will have to wait for up to 9 months. Even the happiest tots will become cranky and nagging during this phase, while others drool and want to chew on everything […]

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Thumb Sucking

Top Five Things to Know About Thumb Sucking

Thumb sucking is a naturally occurring behaviour among infants and young children that can be habitual, sensory-related, or anxiety-induced and is related to nursing. While it can seem worrying, especially when prolonged, thumb sucking is often associated with signs of self-regulation. Most infants suck on their thumb a few minutes to bed to soothe themselves […]

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Immediate Tooth Replacement with Dental Implants

The dental implant procedure has been developed since the late ’60s and is arguably the premier method for replacing missing teeth. Today, dental implants can be done immediately after tooth extractions using the latest techniques. It’s the most effective method of tooth replacement that mimics the look and function of natural teeth. The good news […]

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Top 5 advantages of in-office teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is a relatively low-cost and minimally invasive procedure which is why it is among the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments. Your smile speaks volumes about you. A bright and healthy smile is an excellent first impression. It does not only make you feel good about yourself but also makes you look younger. However, […]

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Consequences of Missing Teeth

Missing teeth are not just cosmetic problems. Teeth perform various functions, most of which require them to work together. Gaps between your teeth can negatively affect the overall wellness of your body and mouth. There are several consequences of living without teeth. For instance, your smile will not look as attractive as it once did […]

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Gum Disease

Top Five Symptoms of Gum Disease

Gum disease is the infection of the gums. It begins when a plaque builds up and gradually develops along the gum line. If left untreated, the plaque hurts the bone that holds the teeth together and eats away your gum. Gum disease can threaten your teeth. Fortunately, in its early stages, it is easily treatable. […]

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Good Oral Hygiene

Top Five Tips to Good Oral Hygiene

Good oral hygiene is indispensable if you want to maintain a bright, charming smile that will spruce up your social life both at work and at home. Keeping a healthy gum will also help you avoid gum diseases, cavities, and tooth decay that can undermine your peace by causing pain and discomfort. If you think […]

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Root Canal Treatment

5 Reasons Not To Delay Root Canal Treatment

It’s easy to create excuses for postponing a root canal procedure. This is probably due to fear of possible discomfort or because you think it will take too long. Regardless, there’s one main concern about delaying the procedure, the problem will only become worse. The infection might even end up in the bloodstream, making you […]

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Dental Implants FAQs

Dental Implants FAQs

Dental implants are the most preferred method of tooth replacement by doctors and patients because they are long-lasting. If you’re thinking of getting dental implants, you probably have a few questions you’d like to ask to make a better decision. In the hopes of answering your questions, we’ve put together a list of the most […]

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